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Take a piece of notebook paper and number from 1-64. Read each of the following statements and grade yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 for each statement. If you give a 5, it means you feel this is one of your strong points. If you give your self a 0 or 1, it means this is a weak area for you or that you have no interest in this area.


1.   I have patience in helping others understand biblical truths.


2.  I often have a clear sense of what needs to be done and am able to win the support of others.


3.   I give proportionately now, but often feel like giving more.


4.  I enjoy working with children and/or youth.


5.   When I see others hurting, I feel moved to tears.


6.   I enjoy technology such as computers and could spend hours using these kind of things.


7.   I believe I have been directly used to bring others to Christ.


8.   I welcome and enjoy visiting those in hospitals and shut-ins.


9.   I enjoy looking into the meaning of Greek and Hebrew words/text.


10.  I trust God to meet the needs of everyone.


11.  I know the difference between good and evil in nearly every situation.


12.  I enjoy the study and work involved in preparing a message from scripture. 


13.  I enjoy singing and think I might have a good singing voice.


14.  People tend to rely on my help when there is a project or something that needs to be done in the Church.


15.  I feel I have artistic ability which could be used in the Church. 

16.  I seek out the positive points of people rather than their faults. 

17.  I enjoy studying and learning new truths from the bible. 


18.  I am often looked to for leadership.


19.  I have too many needy charities over and above my tithe.


20.  I can be patient with children when others might not be.


21.  I send letters to people who are hurting in one way or another.


22.  I have an eye for how the Church can use Power Point, video and other technological creations.


23.  I have a great love for the unsaved and a longing to win them to Christ.


24.  I believe I am good at listening to the hurts and struggles of others. 


25.  If I had the ability, I would enjoy translating the Bible into the languages of peoople who have never heard the word of God.


26.  I have the faith to stand firm, without wavering, that God will meet the need of someone hurting who cannot pray for themselves at the present.


27.  I seem to be able to see the subtle ways Satan takes good and turns it into evil.


28. There are indications that the Lord has used my preaching as a blessing to others.


29.  I can perform as an instrumental musician or vocalist. (doesn't have to be both, but at least one or the other. 


30.  I believe I have little or no flair for public speaking, but I feel at ease when offering my hands and body for whatever needs to be done.


31.  I have used my creative/artistic abilities in situations other than Church life.


32.  I like to contact people and offer a word of encouragement. 


33.  I seem to get a positive response when I teach others. 


34.  I am able to organize a project or straighten out one that is messed up.


35. I tend to give until it hurts.


36.  I see potential in young people and that draws me to them.


37.  I often feel like embracing someone who has gone through some kind of trauma and shedding a few tears with them.


38.  I would welcome working with a Church website and other social outreaches.


39.  I love to talk to others about Jesus and find opportunities to do so.


40.  I feel I can assist in using the Bible to help others solve problems.


41.  I enjoy education and wish I could get more of it.


42.  If asked to stand in faith for a major Church project, I believe I could.


43.  I believe I can distinguish between a preacher who is of God and one who is not and preaches falsely. 


44.  I would welcome the opportunity to develop the gift of preaching. 


45.  I have a clear vies on the value of music as part of the worship service.



46.  I get satisfaction from doing things that others appreciate, but I don't care to be in front of others.


47.  People have appreciated programs, shows, set designs, displays and dramas which I have created, directed or have participated in. 


48.  I try to find helpful scriptures for those who need a spiritual uplift. 


49.  I enjoy explaining things from the Bible to others.


50.  I am willing to delegate what needs to be done to others. 


51.  I am willing to give food and clothing to those less fortunate than I.


52.  I am sympathetic to and burdened for the souls of young people.


53.  I can feel the pain of others and sometimes even of people I don't know.


54.  I love it when the Church uses computer generated technology to proclaim the gospel.


55.  If asked I would be prepared to go and explain the way of salvation in someone else's home.


56.  I think I have the knack for helping people feel at ease and loved by God.


57.  I could sit in a quiet room and study manuscripts for hours.


58.  My faith seems to be stronger than many others.


59.  I seem to be able to see where evil spirits are at work and am able to see their ways of destruction.


60.  I think I am able to present the word of God to the congregation with clarity and conviction.


61.  I would enjoy being involved in the use of music as a Church outreach.


62.  I don't always volunteer but I am willing to start and finish projects that others ask me to do.


63.  I can create bulletin boards, backdrops, crafts and things of such nature.


64.  If I could preach, it would be nothing but words of encouragement for the Church.




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