What Should I Expect?
We look forward to meeting you when you visit Christ’s Church. The church occupies the Kerr Center for the Arts at Annapolis Area Christian School in Severn. This beautiful, 600-plus seat, state of the art auditorium provides a comfortable and accessible facility to worship God. Our Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. and worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays. Christ’s Church loves God and people. We are a God-centered and people-centered church.
What should I wear?
You should wear that which is comfortable for you. You will see some men wearing a tie and some ladies wearing a dress and some people wearing jeans and various other casual forms of dress. Our dress code is “come dressed.”
What can I expect when I visit Christ’s Church?
A Kind Greeting
You will find people who will make you feel welcome, but will not make a spectacle of you because you are a guest. We recognize that it often takes a lot of courage for people to enter a place where they are not familiar with the people or the surroundings. Our hosts will be happy to give you any information you need about childcare, worship, or answer any questions.
People who are at all stages in their walk with Jesus
We understand the church to be a place where people find life and hope in Jesus. Some people have been Christians for many years while others are new to the faith. Some are learning about Jesus and still coming to faith in Christ. Regardless of your background, it is our conviction that God is more concerned about where you are going than where you have been.
Worship that is Focused on Jesus
This church bears the name of Christ because the church belongs to Him. He said, “I will build My Church.” It is our desire for Him to have the focus in everything. We want people to hear our preacher and follow Jesus. If people say, “What a preacher!” we have failed. We want people to say, “What a Savior!”
Inspirational Music
Our praise band and praise team believe God is the audience in worship. They lead us in music and singing that is dynamic, uplifting, comforting, and convicting as it draw our hearts closer to God.
A Relevant Message from the Bible
Our preacher, David Frye, delivers God’s word in an instructional manner with passion for God.
Frye’s ability to apply Scripture to daily life will help you see that the Bible is truly a “lamp to your feet and a light to your path.” You will leave instructed, challenged, and thinking about what God had to say to you from His word.
A place to Call Home
Christ’s Church is a place where everyone is equally important. Jesus didn’t just see crowds of people, He saw people in the crowd. Whether you have been a Christian for 50 years or are new to the faith you are important to God and us. You can find a family that will love you and help you in your walk of faith.